At AGRISCAPE, we have several points to notice beforehand so that not only our precious guests could enjoy their meal time, but also we could provide the guests our best performance.


_No.1 アレルギー食材

Combining ingredients produced by farmers who we know very well, our dishes are mainly made with ingredients from our farm. We respect food and it is our wish that our guests also respect their food. We hope you understand that we do not make special arrangements for ingredients that guests dislike. We do make special arrangements for guests with food allergies; please let us know when you make your reservation. The availability of rigorously selected ingredients is limited and each dish is complete only when all parts of the dish come together. Please understand that we cannot make any changes to the menu after you arrive at the restaurant as we feel that we cannot serve incomplete dishes.


_No.2 キャンセル

The cancellation fee will be charged 50% of the meal regardless of circumstances. Please understand that this is because we cannot use the ingredients we prepared today tomorrow and all our preparation work come to nothing. Please note that the number change on the day will also be dealt as cancelation.
Cancellation fee for groups (6 or more) will be charged 3 days in advance.


_No.3 お子様

As we would love to serve people who haven’t been eating out because of their small children or people who want to take their children to restaurants for food education, we welcome guests with children, with the option of reserving a private room, on the non-negotiable condition that you will be considerate of other guests. If your child cries loudly, screams, or walks around the restaurant, please encourage good behavior. If the situation does not improve, a staff member will come to your table to talk over the situation and may ask you to leave the restaurant if it is deemed that your child is making other guests uncomfortable. We will ask you to pay the full amount of the check even in that case. We ask our guests to understand the above-described terms prior to visiting our restaurant as we have been experiencing many problems concerning children.
We also ask you to keep on eye on your children as you will be solely responsible for the damage if your child damages any fixture or furnishing on the premises.
We ask you to refrain from bringing your own food or drinks to the restaurant as we offer a kid’s meal and a small kid’s meal. If your child has special needs, we will make special arrangements; please let us know when you make your reservation. ●Kid’s Meal ¥2,530-

A set meal designed for children aged 6 to 10.

The meal consists of a soup, bread, pasta, a meat dish of the day, and a small-size dessert.
●Small Kid’s Meal ¥1,320-

A one-plate meal designed for preschoolers.

The meal typically consists of a soup, bread, hamburger steak, short pasta, mashed potatoes, and juice.

*The items may vary.

小さなお子様がいるためお食事に出かけられない方、食育のためにお子様に レストランで食事をさせたいと思っている方にもぜひ楽しんでいただきたいという思いがあり、個室もご用意してお待ちしておりますが、他のお客様にご迷惑にならないことを絶対条件とさせていただいております。万が一、お子様が大声で泣いたり、叫んだり、店内を歩き回っているときには、親御さんから注意を促していただき、それでも改善されない場合には、こちらからお声がけさせていただき、他のお客様のご迷惑になっていると判断した場合には退店していただくこともございます。その際もお支払いは全額請求させていただきます。お子様に関するトラブルが多発しているため、ご来店前に、以上のことをご理解願います。



●お子様メニュー ¥2,530-(税込み・別途サービス料10%)


●乳幼児メニュー ¥1,320-(税込み・別途サービス料10%)




_No.4 時間

The restaurant has a concept to have our guests enjoy their meal for about 2 to 3 hours. Please let us know beforehand when making reservations if you have any time restrictions. We cannot respond to serving time request after your arrival to the restaurant since it will be affect other guests meal serving schedule. Please be forewarned.


_No.5 環境

Due to its location, there are many encounters with insects and small animals that live in the nature of Kobetsuzawa. We take measures to prevent problems, but please understand that we can not completely prevent encounters.
